Despite being released in 1999, American Pie holds up well today and is considered a comedy classic. The film had plenty of sequels and really opened up this genre to become as popular as it is today.

Making stars out of the main actors, this really was a defining movie for a generation and it is a film that everyone should check out when they’re of age.

While some parts of the movie are utterly ridiculous, it is in the best way possible. From start to finish, American Pie doesn’t let up on the laughs, but which main character is the funniest? Within this list, we will be ranking them all, starting with the least funny and ending with the one character who makes every scene hilarious.

Victoria Lathum

Not every single character can be hilarious in a comedy; in American Pie, Victoria Lathum falls into the category of not being that funny. She’s an important character in the movie, but she is also one of the more serious characters, with Vicky constantly thinking about the future.

She wants to plan ahead for her life, rather than just enjoying the moment. Consequently, her storyline isn’t one jam-packed with laughs. When Vicky is with Jessica, she tends to have more comedic moments. Even then, it is Vicky’s best friend who brings the laughs.

Heather Gardner

In a similar way to Vicky, Heather just isn’t that funny in the movie. She is a bright, caring character who clearly has a lot of love for Oz, but she’s not going to be having everyone bursting into tears with laughter while you watch the film.

When she is placed with Oz, Heather is able to bust out a few jokes and does show some comedic moments. As she is a new addition to the group in the original movie, Heather doesn’t bring her comedy to every situation, which is why she ranks low.

Kevin Myers

The first of the main group to enter the list, Kevin Myers is in a similar situation to his girlfriend, Vicky, in that his storyline is more serious than everyone else in the group. Because of that, he isn’t the funniest of the group, mainly because he is spending most of his time stressing about his future with Vicky.

Of course, Kevin does have his moments that manage to crack the audience up, especially when he going back and forth with the rest of his group. In later movies, Kevin does start to come alive, but his obsession with Vicky doesn’t change throughout, even in the Reunion movie.

Chris Ostreicher

Much like Kevin, Chris Ostreicher has a more serious story than the other members of their group, mainly because he is also looking for a serious, loving relationship. When he is shown throughout the film, Oz is mainly being quite serious in his attempt to prove that he’s not just joining the choir for the sake of it.

However, Chris still has the classic jock personality, which leads to some very funny moments. Whether it is busting out cheesy lines that he thinks will win over a woman or going back and forth with Stifler, Oz certainly has his moments.

Jim Levenstein

Arguably the main character of the American Pie franchise, Jim Levenstein is absolutely hilarious in this movie. Desperate to lose his virginity, watching his journey is a wild one. Jim goes through a lot of physical comedy, from blowing his load twice on a webcam to all his friends, to having sex with an apple pie.

Jim is awkward in the best possible way. Everyone knows a Jim and that’s why his character connects so well, all of his jokes land and he really is fantastic. When he finally ends up with Michelle, that is where his comedy really steps up with the odd duo working so perfectly together.


Unlike Jim (and most characters in the movie), Jessica is very sure of herself and is incredibly wise in comparison to her peers. This allows her to float around without committing herself to anyone, bursting out wisecracking one-liners whenever she sees fit.

Jessica is absolutely hilarious all the way through, just coming out with sly comments out of nowhere that are amongst the funniest in the movie. It is because they are unexpected that they are so funny as well, with Jessica being the one character who is happy to say the truth, no matter how harsh it might be.

Paul Finch

Paul Finch might be the odd member of the group but that just sets him up to be one of the funniest people as well. He comes out with some utterly strange comments and actions, but for some reason, they are also absolutely hilarious.

Finch’s best moments come when he is with Stiffler though. Their love-hate relationship is incredibly fun to watch, as they constantly bicker and poke fun at each other, with Finch eventually getting the best of him due to his interactions with Stifler’s mom.

Michelle Flaherty

This one time at band camp, Michelle was absolutely hilarious. When you first meet her in the movie as a band camp geek, most people are unsure about what her character will be like, and absolutely nobody could have predicted she would be the sex-obsessed character she ends up being.

Michelle is absolutely hilarious throughout American Pie. Whether it is telling tales from band camp, using instruments in ways they’re absolutely not supposed to be, or just calling Jim out for his lack of experience, she is wacky but wonderful.

Steve Stifler

When you think about American Pie, it is impossible not to picture Steve Stifler. Easily one of the funniest characters in the movie, Stifler is purely created to provide laughs in this film, something that he doesn’t let up on all the way through.

Stifler’s comedy is very childish, constantly making jokes at his friend’s expense, but it is incredibly funny. He is very confident and believes he is the greatest thing around which might seem arrogant at times, but in reality, it is just a lot of fun to watch.

Mr. Levenstein

When it comes to the funniest character in American Pie, it has to be Jim’s father, Mr. Levenstein. Played by the incredibly talented Eugene Levy, who has fantastic comedic timing, this character is just absolute perfection.

Whether it’s his recognizable eyebrows or his constant ability to end up catching his son in awkward situations, Noah is the best of the entire cast. He might not be in the movie as much as some on this list, but whenever he is, you can guarantee he’s stealing the scene.

Noah is a caring character who absolutely loves his family, but he isn’t shy about embarrassing his son at the same time. Happily hanging out with the boys or passing on sex advice to his son, Mr. Levenstein is simply hilarious.