Liev Schreiber is offering some word of comfort, for those curious about Sony’s Untitled Animated Spider-Man Film, arriving next year. After The Amazing Spider-Man 2 under-performed in multiple respects in 2014, it seemed like it might be a while before the Spider-Man character would reach the same heights of his early 2000s days, once again. Then, Marvel and Sony made a deal to reboot the live-action films yet again, bringing Tom Holland’s new version of Peter Parker into the Marvel Cinematic Universe - and now, it looks more and more like the friendly neighborhood web-slinger may be approaching a new golden age.

Interestingly enough, Spider-Man fans have a whole lot more to look forward to over the coming years than just the films with Holland’s Peter Parker in them. There’s even a new Spider-Man PS4 game in the works that has a whole lot of hype surrounding it at the moment. But specifically, Sony is also hard at work on its Untitled Animated Spider-Man Film, set for release in 2018 that and completely separate from the MCU.

Recently, Sony announced that the animated film focuses on the Miles Morales Spider-Man, rather than the original and traditional Peter Parker iteration. Confirmed to be in the film’s star-studded cast as well, is Liev Schreiber, playing a currently-unannounced villain. While speaking with Collider about the film, Schreiber said that he’s set to begin voice work in a month or so, before teasing that hardcore Spider-Man fans are in for a treat with the movie’s “throwback vibe”:

Schreiber also revealed in the interview that it was the desire to make something his kids could see that spurred him towards the project in the first place, though, he wouldn’t reveal who he’s playing or any other major plot details from the film. Considering just how much secrecy the movie is currently shrouded in, that’s not much of a surprise either. However, just the fact that the script is done, and that voice work is set to begin sometime relatively soon, hopefully, means good things in terms of updates and more news to come over the next few months.

“I think real hardcore Spidey fans will be able to follow this with great ease. It will feel very familiar, in a good way, in a kind of throwback way.”

As most comic book fans are already very aware, this won’t be the first time that Schreiber has dabbled in the comic book genre in his career, after playing the role of Victor Creed/Sabretooth in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. While that particular comic book film wasn’t very well-received, Schreiber’s take on the character was often praised by both fans and critics alike, so much so that Sabretooth almost had a cameo appearance in this year’s Logan, before director James Mangold decided to cut it from the script. Now, who exactly Schreiber could be playing in this animated Spider-Man film is no less mysterious right now than it was a few weeks ago, but it’s safe to say that the possibilities appear to be practically endless at this point.

Source: Collider

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