Some of the most beloved characters in the Star Wars franchise have been the droids and mythical creatures that inhabit it, and that remains true in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. While fans will certainly be introduced to new and wondrous beings, the nostalgic pull of characters like C-3PO and R2-D2 remains ever powerful. The life behind those roles, Anthony Daniels and Joonas Suotamo, spoke with Screen Rant about their characters’ journeys and their own preparation for the final chapter of the saga on December 20.

Guys, here we are. Star Wars: Episode IX. It’s all coming to an end. I can’t believe it; I feel like a piece of my childhood is going with it.

You know what, it’s interesting. When I first saw Star Wars, actually, I saw Empire first. And I thought that was the only Star Wars movie. I didn’t know there was anything else. 

Anthony Daniels: How old were you when you first saw it?

I was 7, and I had no idea there were any other Star Wars movies. I thought, “This ends really bizarre. The bad guys kind of win.” Then when I was 10, I realized there was A New Hope and I fell in love with the whole franchise. 

Anthony Daniels: You didn’t have any friends who discussed it?

C-3PO gets one of the most emotional beats, it seems, in this movie. Did you automatically agree with what J.J. wanted to do with the character?

I’m going to start crying now.

Anthony Daniels: Generally not, no. We have completely divergent ideas.

Yes, of course. But we had talked about it a lot in the beginning, and I’d quite simply asked him for something to do in this movie. And he more than gave me that. What I love about that line, “Taking one last look, Sir, at my friends…”

Now we spoke at Solo, Joonas, but this is the first time you’re doing this without Peter around with you as your guidance. And now you are the custodian of this character. Can you talk to me about why Chewbacca is such a fundamental part of this franchise? 

Anthony Daniels: It was we shot it, and he edited it exactly the way I did it, which was a great honor. It actually was very moving on the set, and then I made myself kind of weepy watching it. It’s a bit sad really, isn’t it, when the general ascends.

Joonas Suotano: The whole film is full of emotion, and such heart.

I literally saw Chewbacca downstairs and hugged him, and I said, “Thank you Chewbacca.” You’re right, to me it’s a real thing.

Joonas Suotamo: I think it has to do with the total totality of Star Wars, and that he’s been that presence on screen. When we’ve watched this journey, with the galaxies and the lightspeed hyperdrives, Chewbacca has been there. Not necessarily making too much noise about himself, but he’s been there. He’s unique; people believe he’s a creature.

Anthony Daniels: He’s a very comforting companion.

Joonas Suotamo: I think so.

I’ve always found Star Wars to be the story of two droids. To me, that’s what the whole franchise is about. For this to finally come to an end, now you get to kind of see it from a fan’s perspective. How is that for you?

I have a feeling that you’re going to continue on in this franchise, whether it be in another film or on the Disney+ side of things. But are you ready for this to end; the journey?

Anthony Daniels: It feels very good, because now that the whole thing is complete, I can actually pull back and begin to understand parts of the story I didn’t understand. But the fans have always got it, because they’re seeing it from the different angle. Now I’m beginning to become a fan, if you like. And they’ve been right pretty much all along., I just didn’t have the chance to see it that way.

But to follow George’s idea of the common man that has no power, and is put upon by everything around, that’s pretty much how we all are. And it’s one reason that C-3P0 and R2-D2 appeal to the general audience; they kind of emphasize with these two poor characters.

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Joonas Suotamo: I think it makes sense. It’s always made sense to end it at IX, and I love the plan of ending the Skywalker saga. I think it needs to have the circle close and the closure.

Anthony Daniels: It’s a pretty brave thing to do, to actually [end it].

Joonas Suotamo: Yeah, and it’s hard to do. It’s hard to wrap something. But Chris Terrio and J.J., were very traversed in Star Wars and from The Force Awakens. They just created this story, and it really answers the call. We’re going to we’re going to be very, I think, fulfilled coming from this film

Anthony Daniels: They both come from a position of deep love of the story from when they were kids. So, you know, they’ve got it right.

  • Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker Release Date: 2019-12-20