Apartment 212 (AKA Gnaw) is a creepy horror movie about a woman being attacked by a creature in her new apartment - let’s explore the movie’s ending and post-credit scenes. Apartment 212 follows Jennifer, played Penelope Mitchell (Hellboy), who moves into a new apartment after leaving her abusive husband. She makes a new friend in kindly neighbor Terry, played by Tenacious D’s Kyle Gass, but after another tenant commits suicide she inherits an old jewelry box from the apartment, which has a strange creature decoration on the lid.

Soon after, every time she falls asleep she wakes up with mysterious bites. After an exterminator fails to find anything she discovers the creature on the box, dubbed Jedak, is coming to life and taking bites out of her at night. Apartment 212 by director Haylar Garcia is a small gem of a horror movie, with great performances by Mitchell and Gass and a creepy atmosphere. The idea feels somewhat inspired by the “Amelia” section of classic TV movie Trilogy Of Terror, where a woman is attacked in her apartment by a possessed doll. The creature in Apartment 212 looks like a mini-version of Spawn’s Violator, and while it doesn’t inspire much terror when it’s finally shown onscreen, the film maintains a nice, simmering tension throughout.

Apartment 212 spends a long time building up the relationships between the main characters, including Jennifer’s physically and emotionally abusive ex Boyd (Chris Johnson). The whole movie builds to a Babadook-style climax where Jennifer faces off against the mysterious creature that’s been tormenting her and finally managing to capture it.

In the end, she cleans up her apartment and invites Boyd around, asking if she can move back in with him. He smugly agrees, but Jennifer asks him to take a case full of her clothes back since she needs to finish cleaning out her new apartment first. Boyd takes the case with him, but in Apartment 212’s mid-credit scene, he wakes up to discover a tiny bite on his torso, confirming Jennifer placed the nasty little critter in the case and it’s going to slowly eat Boyd alive.

The post-credit scene finds Jennifer smiling in her new apartment with her turtle and closing the door, which has her “Home” plaque hanging on the door. While the implications of the ending are pretty dark, it at least means Jennifer is free of both tormentors in her life and can finally have a fresh start.

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