One of the most popular titles within the battle royale style of games, Apex Legends provides a rapid style of gameplay that is unrivaled in its speed and intensity. The game takes inspiration from the cult classic Titanfall providing players with a breadth of movement options. Apex combines these movement options with a hero style shooter similar to the likes of Overwatch. Each legend providing a unique and differing playstyle than their peers. This encourages a variety of different styles in which aspiring Apex players can develop and master while maintaining a sense of identity and individuality through their character archetype.

The breakneck speed of Apex coupled with its hero dynamic makes the title a difficult game to excel in. Without the inclusion of buildings or vehicles, players are forced to adapt to the game’s environment with their skill alone. Making Apex one of the highest skill ceiling titles within the battle royale genre. But every star player has to start somewhere, even the greatest Apex players did not start with the level of skill that they currently possess. This guide will provide new and aspiring players with some essential tips to start their Apex career and how to excel in the grueling landscape of online play.

Making Use of the Firing Range in Apex Legends

One of the best tools, specifically designed to help players to improve, in Apex is the versatile firing range mode. This is the training room equivalent for Apex and it is an extremely useful function to get used to the ins and outs of the game.

The firing range has undergone a variety of changes from the initial game to where it is now in season 4. It is currently one of the most versatile preparation type modes in any Battle Royale game to be released. Providing a multitude of weapons, enemies, targets, zip lines, armor, grenades, healing items, legendary items and even the ability to experiment with each character makes this mode a functional “must” for any player looking to improve.

Learning Your Characters Abilities in Apex Legends

The game hosts 12 unique legends each with their own individual abilities and skills. Each character has a varying style of optimal play and becoming familiar with your favorite character skills will improve your style of play dramatically.

Take for example the legend Gibraltar, this character is a functional “tank” style character. Equipped with a powerful shield when firing down his iron sites, Gibraltar is an extremely durable character who can cover himself and his teammates. Coupled with his powerful bubble shield, Gibraltar is the first line of defense for his teammates and a useful support character for a squad.

You would not want to play Gibraltar the same way as the illusive Wraith character, who’s playstyle is about flanking enemies. Her elusive abilities make her an excellent choice for a player who excels at a harassing or assassin style of play.

All this to say that each character has a unique way to play. Being familiar with each legend’s optimal and nonoptimal styles is essential to success in the online world of Apex Legends.

Getting Used to the Weapons in Apex Legends

As mentioned, the firing range is an essential place to improve at the battle royale giant. In this mode, players are provided ever weapon, equipable item and secondary weapon in the game. Becoming familiar with each of these weapons will make a novice player into an expert.

There are essentially 5 different weapon types: Assault rifle, sniper/long-range rifle, handgun, submachine gun, and shotguns. As you can imagine a shotgun isn’t a very good sniper rifle and a sniper rifle simply doesn’t cut it in short-range fights. Learning each weapon’s optimal range of effectiveness will improve your success in the vicious world of Apex and may even improve your First Person Shooter skills as a whole.

On top of mastering each weapon, it is important you develop a comfort with each of the varying sights found in the game. A red dot sight is very different from a 2x ACOG scope. It is important you master how to use a red dot sight at short, mid and long-range firefights, as you may not be in a situation to possess a long-range scope. Being comfortable with every sight in the game will make you a force to be reckoned with.

Finally, be sure to take note of the varying degrees of effectiveness found with the different barrel and stock items. Barrel stabilizers can decrease the oppressive recoil on full auto weapons, the same goes for stocks. Each of these items comes in a variety of rarity one being common, normal, epic and legendary. Learning how effective a common stock versus an epic stock is can be all the difference in winning or losing a combat encounter.

Being Mobile in Apex Legends

What separates a bad player from an excellent one in Apex is their understanding of the movement mechanics in the game. Learning how to slide, crouch, jump or climb over walls can establish a clear and explicit gap in skill between your competition.

A good Apex or even battle royale player will never stay in the same spot for long periods of time. This goes for long-range and short-range fights, as staying in the same location for too long will spell an untimely death for a player. Be sure to always move around even if you hold an advantageous position over an enemy squad, as it may be the right amount of movement to avoid an enemy team.

When facing a squad in a close-ranged battle being able to jump and dodge from side to side can make a player a more difficult target to hit. It is important to learn how to maintain accuracy when using these evasive maneuvers as not to lose a fight by trying to bounce around. This is an important skill to learn and should be practiced in the firing range mode.

More: Apex Legends Teases Revenant May Take Forge’s Place in Season 4

Apex Legends is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.