One of the biggest battle royale first-person shooters on the market,  Apex Legends provides its players a fast-paced character-oriented shooter. Apex allows players a complicated blend of tactical decision making and rapidly fast first-person action. It rewards a player’s individual skill as much as it encourages team play and combination. Unlike its contemporaries Apex has an incredibly fast game speed, it allows very little time to think but rather forces a reaction. It’s a title that forces prior knowledge of a situation rather than a reactive style of play. Apex is one of the most interesting battle royale style games and is one that should be cherished for its individual identity and unique blend of genres.

Arguably the hardest aspects of Apex to master is its roster of Legends. Each character has a very distinct style of play which requires a firm knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. Trying to excel at playing this title without understanding how your character operates is an easy way to lose a game fast. You are not only a liability for your team but also impeding your own growth in the popular title. This guide will present the general strengths and weaknesses of each of the Legends in Apex Legends

Playing Bangalore in Apex Legends

Bangalore is arguably the strongest legend in the game. She is an offensive powerhouse who excels at quickly wiping out enemy teams and evading counter fire.

Bangalore has three special abilities. The first being her passive ability “double time” this move allows her to run faster while she is being shot at. This makes her an incredible evasive character or even a solid choice to press enemy teams.

Her tactical ability “smoke launcher” fires a powerful smoke grenade which provides your team a way to flee encounters while hidden. It’s a solid ability that adds to her long list of strengths.

Her ultimate ability “rolling thunder” is a powerful airstrike which operates as a power area denial style move. Forcing enemy teams inside of buildings its an excellent tool to prevent enemies from approaching your team or using a common choke point.

Playing Bloodhound in Apex Legends

The scouting character Bloodhound provides a very aggressive scout style character. His kit allows him to see where and when enemies are in a given location.

His passive “tracker” allows him to see enemy footsteps or where they interacted with items on the map. This allows him a powerful tool that can inform him of if an enemy is close by, or if a building has been looted.

Bloodhound’s tactical ability is his “eye of the Allfather” a powerful recon ability that allows Bloodhound to see enemies through walls. This ability alone makes Bloodhound an oppressive offense character, as it is incredibly difficult to avoid a good Bloodhound player.

Finally, Bloodhound’s “Beast of the Hunt” increases his speed while allowing him to see through smoke and gasses alongside buffing his other abilities. The recent buff to this ultimate allows Bloodhound to use this move for a longer duration and gets it faster. This ability alone can turn the tides of battle.

Playing Caustic in Apex Legends

Caustic is a trap focused character. His tool kit allows him to set up powerful gas traps and grenades that deal with damage to his enemies over time.

Caustic makes for an excellent “camping” character. Once set up it is near impossible to rush a good caustic. Make use of his oppressive nox trap and nox gas grenade to dish out high amounts of damage over time on his enemies.

Playing Crypto in Apex Legends

Crypto serves as the true “scouter” of the game. His powerful drones provide the character with essential reconnaissance abilities and a useful ability denying ultimate.

Using his drone, Crypto can mark the enemy locations for his teammate. Hiding from Crypto is almost impossible given the vast range of his drones and the small size of the ability. Coupled with the EMP ability connected to the drone, it makes Crypto a versatile and oppressive character in the right hands.

Playing Gibraltar in Apex Legends

Gibraltar is essentially the tank of Apex. His powerful “riot shield” style passive makes him a difficult character to hit.

Gibraltar is equipped with a powerful bubble shield, which prevents enemies from shooting at whoever is inside the shield. But also prevents any returning fire from within the bubble. Gibraltar is an essential defensive powerhouse in a game dominated by powerful offensive legends. His ultimate launches a powerful round of bombs from a friendly airstrike.

Playing Lifeline in Apex Legends

If Gibraltar is the tank of the game than Lifeline is the healer. Her arsenal of support abilities makes her a powerful ally to have on team composition.

A good Lifeline will prevent any of her teammates from going down. Her ability to cast a bubble shield around anyone who she is reviving on top of her multiple ally healing drone. Her ultimate allows for a support-oriented care package to drop, providing her teammates with shield, health and shield packs.

Playing Mirage in Apex Legends

Mirage is a slippery offensive powerhouse who excels at fooling his enemies.

His arsenal of “decoy” special moves makes facing a good Mirage a hassle. His ability to cast a decoy towards an area is a good way to reveal an enemy’s location. On top of his invisibility ability, he is an excellent character for those who prefer a “spy” character.

Playing Octane in Apex Legends

Octane is a quick and durable offensive character. His toolkit allows Octane to quickly get in and out of combat situations.

His tactical allows for Octane to sacrifice health in order to increase his running speed. This may seem like a poor ability to have but his passive allows him to heal over time. Making him a very burst of oppressive offense style character.

Playing Pathfinder in Apex Legends

Pathfinder is a hypermobile character. Making him a difficult legend to kill and a threat at even the highest of positions.

Pathfinder’s grappling hook provides the robot with a high skill ceiling in its application. You can use it to evade, to charge or for positioning, whichever way you find a use for it, it is an incredible ability. On top of his Ultimate being a powerful tool for squad positional advantage, Pathfinder is an excellent choice for any team.

Playing Revenant in Apex Legends

Revenant is a hybrid support offense character. His ultimate provides a powerful support utility and his kit in itself makes the robot a dangerous offensive presence.

Revenant is able to crouch walk faster and climb higher than any other character in the cast. This makes him a silent and deadly assassin throughout a match’s course. On top of his ability denying grenade and his Death totem ultimate, he also provides some essential team fight utility.

Playing Wattson in Apex Legends

Wattson is a better caustic, her electric traps make her an excellent choice for a “camping” playstyle.

Her ability to place powerful electrical gates can turn even the most simple of buildings into a fortress. On top of her shield restoring and ordnance destroying ultimate, Wattson is one of the true defensive characters in the game.

Playing Wraith in Apex Legends

Wraith is the titular “flanking” character. One of the most popular characters in the game, her arsenal of evasive maneuvers makes her an excellent choice for offensive players.

Wraith’s abilities allow her to both hear more clearly when enemies are approaching her while also giving her a powerful evasive option. Her ability to “enter the void” provides a powerful evasive maneuver and a functional flanking option. Combine with her portal erecting ultimate and you have arguably the best flanker in the roster.

More: Apex Legends: Beginner Tips & Tricks You Need To Know

Apex Legends is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.