Apex Legends fans have discovered images that suggest the next character in the game could be the long rumored Revenant. Every new season Apex Legends tries to introduce new characters and features to shake up the game. In the past these characters have all had new abilities and backstories that added something interesting to the game.

Yesterday Respawn Entertainment announced that there would be a brand new character coming in Apex Legends season four. This character is named Forge and is a shirtless and very heavily muscled person. In fiction he is a former five-time Hyper Fighting Federation champion, who has now decided to win the Apex tournament instead. Currently very little is known about Forge’s combat abilities, but players will learn more as Respawn releases details.

PC Gamer reports that there have been several discoveries by Reddit users in the last few days that point to another Apex Legends character, Revenant, being added to the game soon. One of the images is a very official-looking piece of concept art that has the Apex Legends logo on it. The image was allegedly discovered on the EA Answers website. Another less obvious discovery was found on yesterday’s season 4 blog post. Fans believe that the image contains Revenant’s figure hiding in the background. Neither of these leaks have been officially confirmed, but both were found within official Apex Legends material.

Players have been finding hints that a new character addition to the game would be the robotic looking Revenant for awhile now. Back in August several dataminers found game files that pointed to Revenant being the next big character reveal in the game. After the character was leaked he was added to the games Shadowfall limited time mode as an announcer. From there players also discovered that Revenant had combat abilities hidden in the code that lead them to assume that the character would become a potential Legend.

Fans of Apex Legends seem to be constantly trying to discover what is next for the battle royale game. Players have dug through files, searched websites, and mined code in order to find out what players can expect. Respawn on the other hand isn’t afraid of teasing characters for a long time, and then dropping them unexpectedly upon players. Legends like Crypto and Forge were rumored for many months before Respawn ever officially acknowledged them. Apex Legends has continued to lose steam as time goes on so maybe Revenant could bring players back into the fold.

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Apex Legends can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: PC Gamer