Apex Legends is getting new solo and duo modes added according to a new datamine leak. The latest multiplayer shooter from Respawn Studios, the creator of Titanfall, Apex Legends was announced and released all within a couple of days. A new entry in the mega-popular battle royale genre of games, Apex Legends has become very successful, very quickly. The free-to-play title gained 10 million players in its first 72 hours and even gave a boost to its publisher EA’s stock prices. The game has also received great reviews with Screen Rant’s own Apex Legends review calling it “super polished” and “wonderfully exciting.”

Apex Legends by any metric is a success. However, compared to its competition, Apex Legends has been missing a few notable features. There is only one mode of play in Apex Legends. In order to join a match, players are forced into three person squads - whether that squad be made of friends or complete strangers. Thankfully, this gameplay restriction might change very soon and could open Apex Legends up to an even wider audience.

The news of Apex Legends’ new modes come courtesy of Twitter user @ApexUpdate. A fan account for the game, ApexUpdate posted a Tweet of the game’s files. In the code there is wording that suggests a solo mode and a 2-Man Squad are already in the game’s data. This suggests that they could be released to the public very, very soon.

The leak appears convincing, but even if it wasn’t so plausible looking, it would make a lot of sense for Apex Legends to add new modes. More than any other battle royale game, Apex Legends does stress cooperative play within a squad. Each playable character in the game has a certain set of abilities that complement the powers of other playable heroes. Apex Legends even utilizes a ping system which allows communication between players through the press of a button that doesn’t require voice chat. However, all other major battle royale games, particularly PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite: Battle Royale, employ multiple modes with different player options.

PUBG allows players to play alone, with a partner and as a member of a four-player squad. Fortnite meanwhile has a constantly changing pool of player modes from the stalwarts of solo, duo and four-player squads to limited time modes like 50 v 50 team deathmatch-esque bouts or one where everyone tries to topple Thanos from Infinity War. Apex Legends has already been able to make a dent in Fortnite and PUBG’s popularity, if not their player base, by offering something different. Now that Apex Legends has players’ attention, the natural step would be to challenge the battle royale giants on their own turf by adding solo and duo modes. It remains to be seen if Apex Legends’ popularity will stick or if it’s just a flash in the pan, but if the game does want to succeed, adding solo and duo modes will probably be the first of many gameplay updates.

More: Apex Legends Guide: The Best Tips & Tricks For Playing & Winning

Source: ApexUpdate (via Games Radar)