Apex Legends is gearing up for its Grand Soiree Arcade event this month, which is adding new game modes and some very dapper looking character skins. Apex Legends was developed by Respawn Entertainment and launched on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One last February. The game was a total surprise for the gaming community as there was no prior marketing or announcement before the game released and most assumed that Respawn was working on another Titanfall title. Currently, the game is in its third season.

Apex Legends is a free-to-play battle royale game that when it launched some considered to be a worthy competitor for Fortnite’s top spot in the genre. During its first week after launch, the title had more than 25 million players and by the end of the month had surpassed the 50 million player mark. The game definitely had some mechanics to help it stand out from the pack. For one, the traversal method of allowing players to slide and vault over small obstacles makes movement much more fluid compared to other titles. The biggest innovation was the “ping” system that allows players to mark enemies and areas for their teammates. This system allows for more strategic gameplay and was adopted by other games in the genre.

The next in-game ongoing, the Grand Soiree Arcade Event, will kick off on January 14th. This event will feature new game modes every couple of days as well as incorporating several kinds of prizes and rewards for players. By beating challenges, players will earn points that will, in turn, unlock new rewards for them. On top of all the new game modes, the event will incorporate brand new skins that dress the characters up in very sophisticated and fancy looking outfits.

There have been other events similar to this in the past. Apex had events for Christmas and Halloween that incorporated similar games and brand-new themed costumes. Starting in August Respawn began doing these kinds of theme events because events such as this tend to bring in players. Almost every month since then the game has run an event that has sold new costumes and/or given out rewards to players. These events have had varying degrees of success and some have attracted controversy.

These kinds of events are integral to keeping up a player base on a multiplayer video game. Games like World of Warcraft and Starcraft have been doing them for years now to keep up their player counts. This is even more important when the game in question is free-to-play like Apex Legends or Fortnite. For quite some time players were concerned about the games’ lack of new content and it hurt Respawn’s finances considerably. This new event seems as though it will bring quite a bit to the table, so if gamers have some spare time they should have fun with Apex Legends this month.

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Apex Legends can be played on PC, PlayStation 4, or Xbox One now