Gamers hoping to become the best at Apex Legends are going to need to know tips and tricks that’ll help them win. Respawn Entertainment’s first foray into the battle royale genre is something very unique from other shooters, though.

This is all thanks to its setting within the Titanfall series, diverse and unique characters/classes, and unique three-member teams. Admittedly, there’s a lot to learn here, but gamers eager to master the Apex can take a few tips into battle with them.

Learning how to best utilize character abilities, reading other teams to determine where to drop at the beginning of a match, and which gear to scavenge for during a round are all vital to winning in Apex Legends. There’s a lot to commit to memory, but anyone looking to step up their game in Apex Legends needn’t look any further than this guide from Screen Rant.

  • This Page: Apex: Legends Gameplay Tips Page 2: Best Apex: Legends Characters & Where To Land

Apex Legends Gameplay Tips

Learning some tricks of the trade are essential if you’re planning to be part of the last team standing in Apex Legends. As much as previous games within the battle royale genre may have trained players previously, this isn’t a single-player game. In order to win, teams are going to have to stick together, but even that isn’t enough for Legends to secure a victory every time.

  • Stick Together - There’s no need to act like a hero. If a player goes off on their own then they’ll be easy pickings for teams that are actively working together. Slide (A Lot!) - One of the best ways to quickly traverse an area is to slide (using crouch) down hills - as sliding on a descent is limitless… and super fast - or across an area. It can be key to winning a firefight and the match itself. Use the Tagging System - Apex Legends has one of the best non-verbal forms of communication in gaming today with its tagging system. Calling out the location of extra weapons and armor, tagging nearby enemies, and marking ideal drop locations are all possible with this tool. Put it to use! Use Pathfinder To Locate The Next Circle - Pathfinder is one of the most useful characters in Apex Legends, and he has the ability to interlink with a comm tower (found across the map) in order to locate the next circle, after the current one closes in. Utilize the Revive Ability - If a friend gets put put to pasture by an enemy, it’s possible for a teammate to pick up the deceased user’s banner and revive them at a respawn station. Be ready to equip them though, as they’ll rejoin the fight without a single weapon. Save The Peacekeeper For The Last Round - The Peacekeeper shotgun is rather useless early on in the match (though it can be charged for a stronger shot), but in the final circle, it can be quite deadly. Grab Everything And Share Everything Else - What’s meant by this tip is that it’s important to grab whatever is available as quickly as possible. There’s not telling which other players may be around the corner and it’s better to be safe than sorry. Of course, a player’s survival is usually contingent on their team surviving as well, so any gear that’s unneeded should be shared with the group. Switch Armor Instead Of Healing - When in a firefight, it’s better to swap out the armor for another set rather than try to heal - particular using the shield batteries - in the middle of a battle. Land Faster - Instead of just aiming up or down while jet-packing - either from dropping out of the ship at the beginning or using one of the balloon points - be sure to swoop down-and-up in order to increase speed. It’s not necessarily about distance in Apex Legends, but rather getting to whichever location first.

Page 2 of 2: Best Apex: Legends Characters & Where To Land

Best Apex Legends Characters To Use

As of this writing, there are a total of eight characters (AKA Legends) in Apex Legends to choose from: Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, Pathfinder, Wraith, Bangalore, and the two unlockable Legends Caustic and Mirage. Each of these characters act as different classes with vastly different abilities, which means that players will have to test out each one to see what suits their style of play the best.

  • Bloodhound - A perfect character for anyone that likes tracking opponents before ambushing them, Bloodhound is a great option for the more devious of players. Gibraltar - Designed to act as a protector, Gibraltar’s Gun Shield and Dome of Protection abilities can be clutch in a dangerous situation. Lifeline - Every team needs a healer and Lifeline scratches that itch this time around. Her D.O.C. Heal Drone is perfect for revitalizing team members while keeping them in the action. Pathfinder - Ideal for scouting ahead, Pathfinder is equipped with a grappling hook to climb up cliffs in order to survey the situation ahead. His Zipline Gun is also great for getting teammates out of a sticky situation. Wraith - Jumping between dimensions makes Wraith one of the trickiest opponents to go up against. She is also able to open up rifts for her teammates, but be careful as other players can go through them as well. Bangalore - As a tried and true soldier class, Bangalore is equipped with a number of abilities that first-person shooter fans will be familiar with. Anyone looking for some familiarity in Apex Legends will find familiarity with this character. Caustic - This Legend is all about baiting characters into a trap and killing them with toxic gas. Caustic is also a good defensive character for those that are trying to put some space between them and their attackers. Mirage - As a jester of deception, Mirage is designed to dupe hostile players. His cloaking abilities and hologram maneuvers will leave players very confused – provided that these moves are executed properly.

Best Places To Land In Apex Legends

Picking where to drop in Apex Legends can be a challenge with two other teammates tagging along. It can also be challenging when there’s one Jumpmaster ultimately deciding where players will land. Since separating from the group is often a poor decision, convincing others where to drop in order to find the best loot stands out as a good one. There are a number of locales worth exploring for anyone eager to win, but scouting out where teams are dropping and avoiding conflict is an equally strong strategy.

  • Common Loot Havens - Anyone eager to get decked out in the best gear may want to visit Airbase, Bunker, or Pit upon jumping into a game. Pit in particular has a number of boxes that players can crack open, but they’ll be very exposed while they harvest all of that precious gear. Quieter Loot-Filled Locales - The above places are often swarming with hostiles, and if that’s the case then Cascades or Hydro Dam are better suited for players look to avoid a firefight. No Traffic Zones - Competitive fans may be agitated to hear this, but sometimes securing victory is as easy as hiding until the very end. Pay very close attention to the location that each enemy team is dropping. If the frequently loot-heavy areas are all claimed, players should head as far away from everyone else as humanly possible. There will still be loot to find once they land and from that point it’s just a matter of waiting out the clock and grinding for gear

More: Apex Legends: Gameplay Trailer, Cinematic, and Details Revealed

Apex Legends is currently available across Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.