Apex Legends is one of the most famous Battle Royal games that players enjoy worldwide. It has a huge player base that gets into battles every day. But it also comes with a fair share of errors and bugs. One of those bugs is the coins bugs.

Many players worldwide have reported that after they have purchased some coins through the in-game currency service. They were charged for the transaction, but the coins did not make it to their accounts. If you are also one of those users, then you can try a few things we have mentioned below as a potential solution.

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How to get the Apex Coins you have purchased?

  • Check your service status:

In most online games, in-game purchases sometimes take a while to show up in your account. If you made the purchase using your Xbox or PlayStation, check your service status. Certain service issues can cause some delays in purchases. So just wait a while to keep checking your service status.

Check your service status:

  • Restart the game:

Quit your game. If you are using an Xbox, then press the Xbox button to open the guide, then press the menu button in your controller and select Quit. If you are using your PC, then press the Esc button and go to your main. Then select Quit and exit from your game. Similarly, if you are on the PlayStation, then just quit from the game there too.

Restart the game:

After that, open up Apec Legends again and see if the coins have been added to your account.

  • Restart the system:

If you are on windows, then just quit the game and restart the windows. Open up Apex legends again, and see if the coins are there now. If you are on Xbox or PlayStation, follow your User Manual and restart your console. Open Apex Legends after the restart and check if the coins are now added.


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Restart the system:

If none of these methods works, then just contact the team of Apex Legends. They know about this bug and are always there to help their user base. Just contact the Live-Support team of Apex legends and let them know about the trouble you have been having. They will respond back to you soon. Also, be sure to check your transaction history to see if the transaction actually went through and is not in a process state.

Hopefully, this article was helpful to you in your issue with Apex coins. Let us know in the comment section below if you need any other help with Apex Legends. And be sure to check out our iPhone tips, Android tips, Windows tips, and other sections for more useful updates like this.

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