Apex Legends will be adding a new character to its roster of Legends in short order, as the long-rumored Octane has been confirmed in a new report. The report speculates that Octane will be released alongside the game’s first battle pass, possibly as a key element in promoting the purchase of that feature.

Octane was thought to have been leaked a week ago, when images of a leaked new character first appeared on the Apex Legends subreddit. While the images looked fairly convincing, there was no indication from developer Respawn Entertainment that a new Legend was in the works, and the character’s abilities looked just powerful enough that they might have been the stuff of fan daydreams.

Now, however, a report from Daily Esports has confirmed the existence of Octane, and included a high-quality image of the character that is consistent with the leaked photos that had previously appeared. According to the report, that image of Octane and the character himself will be used to promote the upcoming release of the first ever Apex Legends battle pass.

That battle pass is apparently due to launch on Tuesday, March 12, according to the same report that shared the new Octane image. The community has speculated about what a battle pass for the game will entail, but as it stands now, the only thing fans have to go on is the roadmap for the first season of Apex Legends content that Respawn Entertainment first published in early February. Other details, like what the battle pass will include (aside from, apparently, Octane), its price, and how long the shelf life of the battle pass is before its replaced, all remain unknown at this time. It seems likely that Respawn Entertainment will be sharing details on the battle pass as we get closer to that feature’s launch, so it’s very possible we begin to learn more over the next few days.

Apex Legends has been struggling with leaks since before the game was ever launched - an eagle-eyed Reddit user actually revealed the game’s map 11 months before it released, but nobody believed them at the time. That seems to be about the only thing that Respawn Entertainment has had trouble with, though, as Apex Legends has already passed 50 million players across all its platforms in just a month after its release. There’s clearly a lot of demand for new content, and as the game’s roster and features continue to expand, there’s no reason to expect its playerbase to do anything but follow suit.

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Source: Daily Esports