An Apex Legends player made headlines after he decided to kill some time while waiting on a flight the old-fashioned way - by plugging his trusty PlayStation 4 into one of the airport’s many monitors and getting in some game time. Unfortunately, he discovered one isn’t exactly allowed to do such things at an airport.

Airports have many screens. Some of them tell which flights are arriving and departing, some give general information, and others are filled with ads or helpful tips. The screen in question displayed a detailed map of the Portland International Airport in Oregon - or, at least it did before an unnamed gentleman commandeered it to play video games. This is against the rules at any airport, but sometimes the urge to play a video game far outweighs such details.

The man was mid-game when he was interrupted by airport staff who asked him to please unplug his system from the monitor. Port of Portland spokesperson Kama Simonds told radio station KXL that he was very polite and agreed to disconnect his system, but he had one request very familiar to most Apex Legend players: “Can I please just finish my game?” Tragically, Simonds says, “the answer was no.”

Simonds added power outlets are fair game to travelers, but monitors are out of the question. She said this incident demonstrates the addictive nature of screens and urges travelers to keep their game systems in their luggage until they arrive at their final destination. She adds that it’s extremely important not to use airport information monitors to play them. “Don’t try to set them up and play them in the airport,” she says. Simonds clarified that the man did not actually commit a crime in the “cordial” incident.

Many find airports boring. They’re filled with multiple copies of the same shops and restaurants, and there’s not much to do. If someone is stuck on an especially long layover on his or her travels, the entire experience can be agonizing. It’s not hard to understand why someone would use one of the many monitors around the airport to play if the opportunity presents itself, and one must admire the dedication not just to take this sort of risk for a game of Apex Legends, but to seemingly rely on airport WiFi to play it. Ultimately, it is against the rules and he should have explored other options. However, he may be on to something. It would be relatively cost-effective for airports to outfit terminals with a centralized monitor hub where gamers and others can enjoy some of the comforts of home while they wait for their flights. In the short term, he can take advantage of the fact that Apex Legends is coming to mobile devices.

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Source: KXL