Apex Legends reveals more information about the mysterious new Legend Revenant in the Season 4: Assimilation trailer. Every new season in Apex Legends brings with it new characters and features for players to experience, and this season is no different, adding both a new character and further changes to the game’s map. Season 4 of Apex Legends will be launching on February 4th of 2020.

Respawn Entertainment pulled a huge bait and switch for this character reveal. Originally, players were informed that the new Apex Legends character would be Forge, a Hammond Robotics-sponsored new contender. Concept art and background details for Forge had already been released to the public, and fans were interested to see what he would bring to the table. Then, during a new Stories From the Outland video, fans got to see Forge giving an interview about all of his accomplishments and skills. Near the end of the video the lights begin to flicker as Forge challenges the other Apex competitors, and then Revenant appears behind him. The video ends with Revenant impaling Forge, seemingly murdering him.

Respawn Entertainment has now confirmed that Revenant will be the new Legend for Season 4, presumably taking Forge’s place. In a new Season 4 trailer posted to Apex Legends’ YouTube page, viewers can see Revenant working as an assassin for the Mercenary Syndicate. While the hitman used to be human, Hammond Robotics seems to have done extensive work to turn him into a cyborg. During the course of the video, which is embedded below, fans can see some of Revenant’s moves at play, and potentially some of the abilities he will bring to the Apex tournament, like his ability to turn into smoke.

Revenant has been teased for Apex Legends since the game released last year. Last August players had dug through game files and discovered evidence pointing to the cybernetic assassin being added to the game at some point. After this discovery was made Revenant appeared in Apex Legends as the announcer for the Halloween special event, Shadowfall. After other assorted discoveries, players finally found very official concept art hiding on the EA Answers website featuring Revenant. This happened around the same time Forge was announced, so most players assumed Revenant would be added later in Season 4 or in Season 5.

Respawn Entertainment pulled off a very impressive move by adding Revenant to the game, as lots of players were very upset Apex Legends still hadn’t added the character after months of requests. Then, just when everyone was beginning to accept Forge as the new Legend, the company had him murdered on-screen. It was a very bold move, and absolutely thrilling to experience. At this point in time it is not clear if Forge survived and will join Apex Legends, but Revenant is definitely coming soon. After all this time, though, fans can only hope Revenant will live up to the hype.

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Apex Legends Season 4 launches on February 4th.

Source: YouTube