The newly released character of Apex Legends is the deadly assassin, Revenant. Revenant provides avid Apex players with a stealth-oriented playstyle that reinforces elusive players to find even more success in the game. The titular character for Apex’s season 4, Revenant is both an aesthetically appealing design while providing some meta shifting gameplay implications to the Online landscape. The character’s breadth of abilities will surely be optimized by top players and will serve as an excellent offensive/support hybrid for competitive and casual players alike.

As players begin to learn and master the newly released character there will certainly be a plentiful amount of defeats and deaths. The character’s kit is relatively complex and is one that, if not mastered, can lead to some embarrassing and frustrating losses. However, there is no better time to learn a new character than now and even the most frustrating losses can serve as a learning tool for players learning a new character. When picking up Revenant it is important that aspiring players understand his relative strengths and weaknesses. He is a very technical legend and is one that will require a firm understanding of game mechanics to excel with. This guide will provide aspiring players a foundation to build upon as they master the newly released assassin.

Using Revenant’s Stealth Ability in Apex Legends

One of Revenant’s defining abilities is his powerful crouching ability. This makes the newly added legend a stealth expert and one which can exploit tunnel-visioned squads like none other.

Revenant’s crouching ability allows the assassin to maintain his normal walk speed even when crouching. This may sound like an insignificant skill but it allows for some powerful in-game application. Revenant’s rapid crouch speed allows him to cover a large amount of distance silently. Crouch walking in this game prevents an enemy player from hearing your footsteps and is essential for stealth-oriented success. This makes Revenant’s archetype as an assassin-style character incredibly easy to incorporate in his gameplay.

This also makes Revenant an excellent mid to long-range fighting character. As his small crouching character model coupled with its incredible speed in this crouching state, a difficult target to hit. It’s quick poking in and out of cover in a crouching state will make the legend a difficult character to overcome in the right hands.

Revenant is a powerful legend whose crouching ability makes the character a versatile and deadly combination of stealth and utility.

Revenant’s Climbing Ability in Apex Legends

Revenant’s second main ability is his powerful climbing skill. He is able to climb and scale walls that are impossible to overcome for the majority of the cast.

This climbing ability allows Revenant the ability to attack enemy squads in unpredictable manners. He can approach an enemy team from a seemingly safe position and combined with his silent but rapid crouch speed makes a new character a silent and deadly foe. The combination of these two abilities makes Revenant a deadly combination of a silent assassin and a versatile mobility character. Making hiding from the killer a near impossibility.

Revenant’s climbing skill makes the legend an extremely elusive character as well. He can escape from combat encounters in such a way that it is impossible to follow. Other than Octane and Pathfinder, Revenant is one of the few truly mobility-focused legends in the game. His ability to engage enemies in unpredictable and trick ways paired with his seemingly endless amount of evasion skills makes the robot assassin a deadly force to face on the battlefield.

Using Revenant’s Tactical Ability the Silence in Apex Legends

Revenant has access to one of the most powerful skills in the entire game. Silence is an extremely potent ability denying skill that can turn the tide of battle in one smart play. This makes the already deadly assassin one of the most powerful legends in the entire roster.

Revenant’s Silence is a tactical ability that allows the character to prevent an enemy from using their abilities for ten seconds. For example, if revenant hits Gibraltar with the Silence then the character is unable to use his ultimate or his bubble shield for ten seconds. This makes the defense powerhouse a sitting duck for your team to pick away at. Be aware that this ability does not restrict the use of passives in the game but only any of the many tactical abilities in the game. Silence also affects Revenant’s own tactical abilities so be wise when casting this skill during matches.

Rather than a combat initiator, this ability is a powerful weapon to close out combat scenarios. In the closing moments of combat, abilities will be at their most useful, whether it be a Pathfinder zipping to safety or a Gibraltar dropping a bubble on his team. Abilities tend to be used the most during the deciding moments of a team fight. So using this ability to deny these potential squad saving skills can be an easy way to wipe an enemy squad.

Using Revenant’s Death Totem in Apex Legends

Revenant’s final ability is his powerful ultimate, Death Totem. This allows his squad a finite amount of “immortality” as it only allows for their health to be depleted and when it would be completely depleted they will be teleported to the location of the totem.

This ultimately solidifies Revenant as a powerful support/offense hybrid who excels at keeping his team alive and picking apart the foundation of a squad. Placing a Totem wisely will allow your teammates to never lose advantage during a fight and can be the difference between a frustrating team wipe or a tide-turning rally on a strong enemy squad. The totem can be used as a means to allow your team to loot areas in the damage dealing anti-play zone and it can be an excellent tool in order to up your squad’s surplus of powerful items.

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Apex Legends is available now on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.