The latest Stories from the Outlands video from Apex Legends digs into the life - and possibly death - of the supposed new hero, Forge, and teases that he may be replaced by the long-rumored Revenant in Season 4. It’s clear from the teaser that there’s some bad blood between the two competitors, which mirrors the real-life displeasure at Forge’s reveal from some Apex Legends players who were looking forward to playing as Revenant.

So far, each new season of Apex Legends has come with a new character, starting with the addition of Wattson in Season 2. With Apex Legends’ Season 4 coming up soon, players have been looking forward to adding another character to the game’s roster. They got their wish in a recent video from developer Respawn, but it wasn’t to everyone’s liking. During the reveal of Season 4, Respawn rather unceremoniously announced that Forge would be joining Apex Legends. Not much was revealed about the new Legend at the time, aside from the fact that he was a melee-oriented character with ties to Hammond Robotics, a company from Respawn’s previous game, Titanfall.

In a new Stories from the Outlands video from Respawn, Apex Legends fans got to hear about Forge in his own words, in the form of a televised interview with a reporter. Forge is shown as a confident and cocky fighter who discusses his history as five-time Hyper Fighting Federation champion, a detail that was talked about in his initial reveal. After Forge challenges the other Apex Games competitors to bring the fight “up close and personal,” the TV studio’s lights flicker briefly before fans get a glimpse at an uninvited guest - Revenant. The video ends with Revenant apparently impaling Forge as the horrified reporter looks on.

While things don’t look good for Forge, the interview could be good news for Apex Legends fans who’ve been waiting to see Revenant join the competition. Revenant has been lurking in the shadows of the game’s promotional material for a while now, popping up during the Halloween event, in leaked screenshots, and in files uncovered by dataminers. Revenant has their own ties to Titanfall, appearing to be a simulacrum, or a robotic pilot in the game’s universe.

It’s still not clear exactly who will be joining the cast of Apex Legends with the launch of Season 4. Forge could have just been a huge misdirect to set up Revenant’s debut, but there’s no real reason to think that he couldn’t survive the attack, possibly with the help of more cybernetic implants, setting up Revenant to join the game at a later date. If Respawn is feeling really generous, Season 4 could even give players two new Legends to choose from.

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Apex Legends is available now on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Source: Respawn/YouTube