
If you loved the i3D app which tracks your eye movement through the iPad 2’s front camera to create an illusion of a glasses-free 3D display, here’s another entertainment entry that you’d want to show off to your friends. It attempts to make your tablet’s display “invisible” by employing some back-camera wizardry in conjunction with accelerometer and gyroscope data.

In a nutshell, the program tracks the movement of your iPad and updates the display accordingly in order to keep the background image aligned as if the display were transparent. Plus, you can load up your own image and turn it into an endless Kaleidoscope-like browsable surface. The program also responds to perspective tilt and throws realistic shadows for some added wow. Developer Levity Novelty conveniently calls it Invisibility. You like? It’s a 99 cent download from the App Store. Two more clips right below…


