No, it’s not a typo in the headline. Appcessories, third-party hardware add-ons for your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad that interact with your device through dedicated apps, could soon be featured more prominently in Apple Stores, if there’s any substance to T3‘s report. Citing Jawbone’s vice president and head of special projects Bandar Antabi, the publication speculates Apple could in the near future expand its retail experience with a new section dedicated to app-connected hardware. According to Antabi:

Disregarding the craziness of the appcessories term itself, it would indeed be prudent of Apple to promote app-connected hardware, as they have done in the past with similar sections dedicated to the iPod lifestyle. Still, take this report with a pinch of salt because T3‘s track record is not so great. Also, it’s not like Jawbone’s executive would be informed of Apple’s retail strategy, let alone comment publicly on it.