A petition has been floating around this afternoon railing Apple for being ‘anti-choice’ extremist, because Siri won’t serve up Siri results for Abortion providers, instead leading users to “anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers”(CPCs). Groups like NARAL want Apple to take action:

The petition is issued straight to CEO Tim Cook with almost 20,000 backers. But is Apple really at fault here?  Just like when Google’s search algorithm pulls up manipulated results (like Santorum), Apple and its location partners like Yelp are pulling up manipulated results.  Still, Apple plans on fixing this issue.

The NY Times asked Apple about the matter and got a response from PR Rep Natalie Kerris.   She basically said that this isn’t intentional and that Siri is a beta product that will see changes in the coming weeks.

It’s apparent that Apple still has a few kinks to hammer out when it comes to Siri, and that’s obviously why they’re still calling it a beta product. Siri has also seen its first pro-longed outage and doesn’t return with the search results some would like. Still, it is much better than anything else out there.