On its website, French fashions retailer Colette is teasing a ‘one day only experience’, taking place at its stores on September 30th. The event runs from store open to 7 pm local time (via MacGeneration). Other details are unknown.

The invite image sort of resembles the Apple Watch home screen, so maybe this is some sort of special demonstration of the upcoming product. There is a possibility that Colette will sell the device in its store when the Watch is released ‘early next year’. Although this would make sense due to the connection with fashion, it would still be weird for the company to demo the product in public when it is still many months off release.

It’s hard to think of what else Apple would want to demo at a clothing and fashion store, however. Maybe the companies will announce some third-party bands for the Apple Watch, if you aren’t spoilt for choice by the numerous options from Apple?

Feel free to speculate about what you think this event is about in the comments below.